System to Increase Security / sustainability in the domain of Atlantic Traditional Aquaculture (natural tanks and cage nets)


Project started at 1st January 2024


  • Mustafa Shubairi started at 1st February as PhD at University of Coimbra (WP1)
  • Gary Litter joined as PhD at University College Dublin
  • Sarath Krishnan joined as Post-Doc at University of A Coruña (WP2,WP3)
  • João Pedro Marques started as PhD at 15th May at University of Coimbra (WP2, WP3)
  • Mohammed Heider joined as PhD at University College Dublin
  • Brian Camilo Restrepo Velasquez started at University of Coimbra (WP1, WP3)

Numerical modelling: Preliminar simulations were done to analyse air entrainment due to operation of an aerator – water (red) water with air (blue) until 90% air concentration

Physical modelling; Mini-aerator to test in the lab- UC is under construction