
SISdATA – EAPA_0040/2022 – System to Increase Security / sustainability in the domain of Atlantic Traditional Aquaculture (natural tanks and cage nets) is a project funded by Interreg Atlantic Area with a duration of 36 months, starting at 1st January, 2024.

SISdATA will create a new information system to support aquaculture across the Atlantic Area (AA). The system will be based on a platform already in use but that fails to predict specific flow conditions in and nearby aquaculture farms. The
new platform will be fed by existing and available information, such as satellite data and local water quality sensors, and enriched with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations, biochemical models and data-driven approaches, thus linking phenomena at different scales. This new platform will be developed and tested for different case studies across AA, providing valuable information for optimal and sustainable operation of aquaculture farms, including resilience
against extreme weather and water pollution events. The ultimate goal is to push up the blue economy, including aquaculture itself and related services that also depend on water quality in estuaries and coastal areas (e.g., tourism, water sports).

Aerator operating in an Aquaculture Tank – Figueira da Foz